供应链经理 Supply Chain Manager 短期 面议
2024-08-05 更新 2025-07-31 截止 浏览 449
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Working area: Overseas

Introduction:Medécins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international medical humanitarian organisation. Every year, over 40,000 medical and non-medical professionals work in more than 70 countries.

International mobile staff (IMS) offers their professional expertise for projects including primary health care, nutrition, chronic diseases such as tuberculosis (TB), malaria, and HIV/AIDS, also responding to emergencies. Non-medical activities such as construction, water and sanitation, supply chain, human resources and finance, as well as training are also important aspects of IMS work.

Short description:

Supply chain positions can be based at coordination level (capital of the country) to facilitate the flow of goods from Europe to the projects OR at project level to manage the distribution to the beneficiaries.

Supply chain managers analyze contexts of country in order to design, plan and put in place relevant supply chain and ensure as such operational optimization.

They focus on processes and understand and coordinate all the supply chain activities . They are also familiar with the relevant information systems technology (ERPs for instance).


- Managing the supply sections at coordination/ project level: Order Processing, Procurement, Warehouse (log and med), and Transport and Customs departments

- Planning, coordinating and supervising the daily activities of the supply department.

- Coordinating communication lines and functional links between the Supply departments and other departments (Finance, Medical and Logistics departments)

- Ensuring a smooth running supply administration and the respect of the implemented supply procedures.


- Post graduate in in Transport Economics, Supply Chain, Logistics, Engineering, Business Management or other related field

- Two years of relevant work experience

- Management experience is mandatory

- Any other graduate with relevant experience in Supply chain.

- Strong skills in excel (reporting, statistics…)

- Fluency in English or French

- Availability of at least 6 - 12 months per assignment

- Adhere to our Behavioral Commitment and MSF Charter.

MSF Package

-           Monthly indemnity

-           Field per diem allowance in local currency of assignment location

-           Health and travel insurance

-           Transport to and from mission country

-           Accommodation during mission

To apply: Please submit your application via https://msf.hk/en/content/supply-chain-manager or via https://msf.org.cn/参与前线救援Please note that all your submitted personal information, CV and cover letter shall be in English.

无国界医生是一个独立的国际医疗人道救援组织,致力为受武装冲突、流行病、疫病和天灾影响,以及遭排拒于医疗体系以外的人群提供紧急医疗援助。无国界医生只会基于人们的需要提供援助,不受种族、宗教、性别或政治因素左右。 在社区及医疗系统不胜负荷的地方,无国界医生为身处困境的人提供医疗护理。无国界医生的核心工作是为受武装冲突影响的人群提供紧急医疗救援。 无国界医生的行动建基于医疗道德,以及中立和不偏不倚的原则。无国界医生不会偏袒任何一方,力求为最有迫切需要的人们提供援助。在冲突地区开展的项目,无国界医生并不接受直接牵涉到冲突的政府或其它派别的资助。 无国界医生致力缓解人们承受的困苦和消除在救援行动中所遇到的阻碍。无国界医生力求不断提高救援质素、提供适切救援和扩大救援范围,并致力追求创新。当目睹严重暴力、被忽略的危机,或救援行动受阻时,无国界医生或会作出公开表述。 无国界医生于1971年在法国巴黎成立,现已发展成全球运动,设有25个协会,无国界医生(国际)设于瑞士日内瓦。 作为一个独立自主的非牟利组织,无国界医生现于全球超过70个国家开展救援项目。数以万计从事医疗、后勤和管理的专业人士投身组织的救援工作,他们绝大部分来自医疗援助项目所在的国家。 无国界医生做甚么? 1、冲突期间及过后提供必要的医疗护理 当医疗设施和服务因武装冲突而大幅减少、遭到破坏或不胜负荷时,无国界医生会透过药物和物资供应、基层医疗和母婴护理、外科手术、营养支援和社会与心理支援等,向受影响的社群提供医疗照顾或支援。无国界医生援助的对象,包括国内流离失所者和逃离本国的难民。 2、治理疫症病人 当遇到霍乱、脑膜炎等疫病爆发,地区的医疗系统难以全面应付时,无国界医生会介入协助治理病者和预防疾病散播。无国界医生的行动可以包括执行卫生程序、社区健康教育、疫苗注射,以及按特定的疾病设立和提供专门的治疗。 3、协助天灾灾民 在地震、洪水及干旱等天灾发生后,无国界医生的队伍会迅即到灾区救援。多年来,无国界医生已累积一定的专业,透过紧急外科手术、创伤辅导、疫病监察和卫生控制,处理因天灾带来的身心创伤。 4、为被排拒于医疗系统外的人提供援助 当有社群被边缘化和无法获得医疗照顾时,无国界医生可能会介入,照顾这些人群的基本医疗需要,包括提供基层及第二层医疗服务、疫苗注射、外科手术、母婴健康护理、营养支援及治疗等。 5、倡议可负担和具质素的药物 无国界医生根据前线救援经验,为全球最贫穷的病人争取可以负担并有效的治疗,抗击艾滋病、疟疾和结核病等疾病。透过“病者有其药”项目,无国界医生倡议降低药价、刺激新疗法的研发,以及消除贸易和其它壁垒,让病人得到所需治疗。 .......................................... 香港办事处 电邮:office@hongkong.msf.org 电话:(852) 2959 4229 传真:(852) 2337 5442 地址:香港西环德辅道西410 至 418 号太平洋广场22楼 北京办公室 电话:010-85326607 传真:010-85326717 地址:北京市朝阳区三里屯东三街三里屯外交公寓2-3-31 广州代表处 电邮:info@china.msf.org 电话:(86) 20 8336 7085 传真:(86) 20 8336 7120 地址:广州巿越秀区解放北路 618-620号府前大厦A座1201室 邮编 510030