ICF销售经理Sales Manager 全职 面议
2025-01-24 更新 2025-02-10 截止 浏览 258
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ICF销售经理Sales Manager



销售经理专注于创收,推动赞助,转播权和商品机会,将亚洲企业与 ICF 的全球网络联系起来。

• 在亚洲地区主导电视转播权销售和赞助商开发工作,重点与中央广播电视总台(CMG)及其他广播机构建立合作伙伴关系。

• 与 Kayford 合作制定商品和赛事推广策略。

• 确定新的收入来源,扩大 ICF 的商业投资组合。

• 为活动主办方和赞助商量身定制营销套餐。

• 加强与中国和亚洲及大洋洲地区的制造商和供应商的商业联系。


• 商业、营销、传播或相关专业的学士学位。

• 具有丰富的转播权销售和分销经验,最好是体育行业的转播权销售和分销经验。

• 出色的谈判技巧,能够影响和说服各级利益相关者。

• 具有战略思维能力,能够制定和实施长期计划,扩大在主要市场的影响力。

• 出色的沟通和人际交往能力,能够与世界各地的利益相关者建立和保持关系。

• 对全球广播行业有深入了解,包括市场趋势、技术和分发平台。• 能适应不同的文化环境,并致力于在转播权销售和分销中促进包容性和多样性。

• 具有很强的分析能力,能够分析市场数据、评估绩效指标并做出以数据为导向的决策。

• 要求英语接近母语水平(英语专业八级或雅思7.0-8.0分或托福100分以上或GRE320 分);最好能熟练掌握其他语言,尤其是普通话。



工作地点:杭州市上城区富春路 80 号杭州全民健身中心

工作时间:周一至周五 9:00-17:30


1. 报名时间:自发布之日起至 2025 年 2 月 10 日 17:30 截止报名。

2. 报名邮箱:有意向者请将证明材料(中英文简历、学历证明、语言成绩证明、及相关补充材料)发送至邮箱 babe.chen@canoeicf.cn

Sales Manager

Salary: 13k to 16k/month

Focusing on revenue generation, the Sales Manager drives sponsorships, broadcast rights, and merchandise opportunities, connecting Asian business to the ICF’s global network.

• Lead efforts in Asia to sell television rights and secure sponsorships, focusing on partnerships with CMG and other broadcasters.• Develop strategies for merchandise and event promotions with Kayford.

• Identify new revenue streams to expand ICF’s commercial portfolio.

• Create marketing packages tailored for event hosts and sponsors.

• Strengthen commercial ties with manufacturers and suppliers across China and the Asian and Oceania region.


• Bachelor's degree in Business, Marketing, Communications, or related field.

• Strong experience in broadcast rights sales and distribution, preferably in the sports industry.

• Excellent negotiation skills, with the ability to influence and persuade stakeholders at all levels.

• Strategic thinker with the ability to develop and implement long-term plans to expand presence in key markets.

• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to build and maintain relationships with stakeholders worldwide.

• Strong understanding of the global broadcast industry, including market trends, technologies, and distribution platforms.

• Adaptability to diverse cultural contexts and a commitment tofostering inclusivity and diversity in broadcast rights sales and distribution.

• Strong analytical skills, with the ability to analyse market data, evaluate performance metrics, and make data-driven decisions.

• Native or near-native English proficiency (TEM-8 or IELTS 7.0-8.0 or TOEFL 100 or GRE 320); proficiency in additional languages, particularly Mandarin Chinese, is highly desirable.

Employment Type: Full-Time

Start Date: March 2025

Location: ICF Hangzhou Representative Office, China ( 7F, B Tower, No.80, Fuchun Road, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City).

Working Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM local Beijing time.

Application Deadline: 10 February 2025

Apply To: babe.chen@canoeicf.cn

*Please submit your application with English & Chinese resumes, academic credentials, language proficiency certificates, and any other relevant supporting materials.

业务范围:国际皮划艇联合会(ICF)是全球所有国家皮划艇组织的伞式组织,现有171个国家和地区协会会员。作为国际奥林匹克委员会(IOC)负责皮划艇运动的唯一组织,在全球范围内全面管理竞速皮划艇、激流皮划艇、极限激流皮划艇、龙舟、皮划艇马拉松、残疾人皮划艇等10个项目。2024 年 5 月 29 日,国际皮划艇联合会在中国杭州正式设立代表处,以支持亚洲及世界各地皮划艇运动的发展。国际皮划艇联合会杭州代表处坐落于杭州全民健身中心,为大洲和国际赛事项目提供支持,进一步提高国际皮划艇联合会支持亚洲地区体育运动发展的能力。