Dear NGO practitioners:
一年一度的【简报论坛】如约向公益行业的伙伴发出盛情邀请!自2017年以来,简报论坛已成功举办七届,历届论坛目的旨在提供一个多元化的交流平台,促进INGO与本土NGO在新形势下的合作与共进。为此,【简报论坛2024】带着 “ 推动中国社会组织在气候领域的深度参与,促进国际NGO与国内组织共同应对气候新挑战”的使命与目标,再次拉开序幕!
2024年6月1日 “ 推动社会组织开展低碳行动项目 ”正式启动。项目由气候工作基金会支持,北京境外非政府组织发展服务中心为中方合作伙伴,北京益行公益信息交流服务中心执行。项目旨在帮助中国本土NGO深入了解主要服务领域与气候变化之间的联系,提升组织参与低碳行动的潜力和信心,并将低碳理念融入其组织战略计划和行动中,从而有效促进中国双碳目标的实现。
2024年11月11日至11月24日COP29在阿塞拜疆首都巴库成功举办,并取得了一揽子阶段性成果。期间,中国社会组织积极参与并讲好中国故事,展现了巨大的影响力。据统计, 巴库峰会的规模超过哥本哈根、巴黎和格拉斯哥会议,初步代表总数达到70,753人,中国(969人)是第五大代表团。
为促进中外民间组织的交流与合作,进一步推动中国社会组织对气候变化议题的关注,并加强低碳行动的参与。北京益行公益信息交流服务中心/中国发展简报将于2024年12月20日 (周五)在北京举办【简报论坛2024】,主题是 “直面挑战 抓住机遇” 公益组织如何参与气候行动。
The annual CDB Forum extends a warm invitation to all partners in the public welfare sector! Since its inception in 2017, the forum has been successfully held six times, consistently providing a diverse platform for exchange and collaboration. It aims to foster partnerships and progress between international NGOs (INGOs) and local NGOs under evolving circumstances.
CDB Forum 2024 embraces the mission of "Promoting deeper engagement of Chinese social organizations in the climate field and fostering collaboration between international and Chinese NGOs to address new climate challenges." With this objective, the forum is set to make its grand return!
On June 1, 2024, the "Promoting Low-Carbon Action Projects by Social Organizations" initiative was officially launched. Supported by the Climate Works Foundation, with the Beijing Service Center for Overseas NGOs as the Chinese partner and the Beijing E-share Civil Society Information Centre as the implementing body, this project seeks to help Chinese NGOs deepen their understanding of the connections between their primary areas of service and climate change. It aims to enhance their potential and confidence in participating in low-carbon initiatives, integrating low-carbon principles into their strategic plans and actions, thereby effectively contributing to China’s "dual carbon" goals.
To promote exchange and cooperation between Chinese and international civil society organizations, the Beijing E-share Civil Society Information Centre (China Development Brief) will host the CDB Forum 2024 on Friday, December 20, 2024, in Beijing, under the theme:
"Facing Challenges and Seizing Opportunities – How Social Organizations Can Participate in Climate Action."
主 办 方:北京益行公益信息交流服务中心/中国发展简报
Organizer:Beijing E-Share Civil Society Information Centre (China Development Brief)
Financial Support: The Ford Foundation Beijing Office
Supporting Organizations :
Beijing Service Center for Overseas NGO
SEE Foundation
Beijing Ginkgo Foundation
Institute for Global Decarbonization Progress (iGDP)
C Team
China Environmental Grantmakers Alliance(CEGA)
论坛时间:2024年12月20日 9:00 - 17:30
Time:2024. 12. 20 9:00 - 17:30
论坛主题: 简报论坛2024“直面挑战 抓住机遇"公益组织如何参与气候行动
Theme: CDB Forum Face the challenge Seize the opportunity How NGOs engage in climate action
How to attend: on-site forum
Participants: Representatives from overseas NGOs in China, domestic NGO professionals
Number of attendees: 100-200
Location: Beijing, The Fourth Floor Conference Hall of the Ritan Hotel
报名费用:99元/人 (含活动当天午餐)
Fee: RMB 99 per person (including lunch)
Note:Registered organizations could display promotional material of each organization in the exhibition area of the event venue
Contact Us : Mrs. Ju 010-64071400 office@cdb.org.cn
Registration QR Code
论坛主持人:北京益行公益信息交流服务中心执行主任 王卓伦
Forum Moderator:Mr. Wang Zhuolun, the Executiv Director of Beijing E-share Civil Society Information Centre (CDB).
(一)嘉宾致辞 9:00 - 9:30
Guest Speech: 9:00 - 9:30
9:00 – 9:20 福特基金会北京代表处 项目官员 李艾
The Program Officer Mrs. Li Ai in Beijing Office from Ford Foundation
9:20 – 9:30 北京益行公益信息交流服务中心理事长 张耿瑞
Mr. Zhang Genrui, the Chairperson of Beijing E-share Civil Society Information Center (CDB)
(二)主题分享1 9:30 - 9:55
Theme Sharing1 9:30 - 9:55
嘉宾:清华大学能源环境经济研究所教授、副所长 滕飞
Speaker:Prof. Teng Fei, Vice Director of Institute of Energy, Environment and Economy, Tsinghua University
主题: 从COP29看全球气候治理的未来
Theme: Envisioning the Future of International Climate Governance: Insights from COP29
(三)主题分享2 9:55 - 10:20
Theme Sharing2 9:55 - 10:20
嘉宾:大道应对气候变化促进中心 杨培丹
Speaker:Mrs. Yang Peidan, Executive Director of C Team
Theme: Review and Outlook of Chinese NGOs’ participation in COP29
(四)主题分享3 10:20-10:35
Theme Sharing3 10:20-10:35
嘉宾:北京市企业家环保基金会气候变化与商业可持续项目总监 卢之遥
Speaker:SEE Foundation,Program Director of Climate Change and Business Sustainability
Theme: Opportunities and Challenges of Civil Climate Action - An Overview of Climate Companions Program
(五)圆桌论坛1 10:35 - 11:50
Roundtable 1: 10:35 - 11:50
主持人:北京市企业家环保基金会 气候变化与商业可持续项目总监 卢之遥
Moderator: Lu Zhiyao, Program Director of Climate Change and Business Sustainability, SEE Foundation
嘉宾机构/ Guest Organizations :
儿童投资基金会传播和战略合作经理 叶菲
Ye Fei, Manager of Communications and Partnerships, Children's Investment Fund Foundation
能源基金会策略传播项目高级主任 荆卉
Jing Hui, Senior Program Director, Strategic Communications,Energy Foundation China
全球赠与基金会(美国)上海代表处首席代表及亚洲项目顾问 王瑞
Wang Rui, China Representative & Program Advisor - Asia, GlobalGiving
北京市银杏公益基金会秘书长 张伯驹
Zhang Boju, Secretary General of Beijing Ginkgo Foundation
上海紫江公益基金会秘书长 陈琳
Chen Lin, Secretary General of Zijiang Foundation
环境资助者网络执行主任 张瑞英
Zhang Ruiying, Executive Director of China Environmental Grantmakers Alliance (CEGA)
合影/Group Photo: 11:50 - 12:00
午餐/Luch: 12:00 - 13:30
(六)圆桌论坛2 13:30-15:00
Roundtable 2 : 13:30-15:00
Theme: International NGOs and Local NGOs Collaborating to Address New Climate Challenges (Adaptation, Mitigation, Community Participation)
主持人:北京环丁环保大数据研究院副院长 钟丽锦
Roundtable Moderators for :Zhong Lijin, the Deputy Director from Beijing Huanding Environmental Big Data Institute
嘉宾机构/ Guest Organizations :
野生救援北京代表处首席代表 余冲
Yu Chong, WildAid China Chief Representative
长江生态保护基金会常务副理事长 王利民
Wang Limin, Executive Vice Chair of Changjiang Conservation Foundation(CCF)
爱德基金会社区发展与灾害管理项目主管 束俊松
Shu Junsong, Project Coordinator of Community Development and Disaster Management, Amity Foundation
北京合一绿色公益基金会联合发起人 吴昊亮
Wu Haoliang, Co-founder of He Yi Green Foundation
Beijing Fuqun Social Service Center
(七)主题分享4: 15:00 - 15:30
Theme Sharing 4: 15:00 - 15:30
嘉宾:中国国际民间组织合作促进会副理事长兼秘书长 王香奕
Theme: Opportunities and Challenges for Chinese NGOs Going Global in Climate Change
茶歇/Tea Time: 15:30 - 16:00
(八)圆桌论坛3: 16:00 - 17:20
Roundtable 3: 16:00 - 17:20
Theme: Multiple topics International NGOs and Local NGOs Collaborating to Address New Climate Challenges (Adaptation, Mitigation, Community Participation)
Roundtable Moderators for :Wang Yanhui, Deputy Director of Institute for Global Decarbonization Progress (iGDP)
嘉宾机构/ Guest Organizations :
国际计划(美国)陕西代表处首席代表 张烨霞
Zhang Yexia, Country Director of Plan International Inc. Shaanxi Representative Office
国际救助儿童会(英国)北京代表处项目发展总监 刘铭
Liu Ming from Save the Children UK Beijing Representative Office
万科公益基金会气候变化与生物多样性高级项目经理 刘熙
Liu Xi , Senior Project Manager of Climate Change and Biodiversity, Vanke Foundation
北京市协作者社会工作发展中心主任 李涛
Li Tao, Director of Beijing Social Work Development Center for Facilitators
昆明市梦南舍可持续发展服务中心理事长兼执行主任 申顶芳
Shen Dingfang, Mueang-Nam Sustainable development services Centre (MNSC)
互满爱人与人(瑞士)云南/重庆代表处合作发展部主管 韩旭
Han Xu, Senior Partnership Officer of Humana People to People Movement (Switzerland) Yunnan/ Chongqing Office
(九)总结发言/Closing Remarks: 17:20 - 17:30